OOur Story
Pak' D Project was founded by Misty Turner and Samantha Lawson who have been best friends for 11 + years. Misty and Samantha first met at a child's birthday party ,and since then have raised their children together and turned a friendship into something that would save each of them. One particular connection they both share is that they are both survivors of domestic violence. Since 2017 Misty and Samantha have helped several individuals going through their own domestic violent trials eventually helping them transition from victim's to survivors. From those simple acts Misty and Samantha wanted to do more but simplify the process and make assistance easier to obtain then to go through a rigorous intake process. Thus, Pak'D Project was created to give individuals resources to expedite their process of leaving by giving them resources to escape their abuser in the form of a back pack.
Misty Turner, mother of three boys and a Newfie, is a survivor of domestic violence. She has an amazing testimonial of strength and survival during one of the most painful moments of her life. Misty has endured abuse from the hands of her youngest son's father. It was a classic abuse behavior that began with verbal attacks, and winding down through every form of abuse from financial, sexual and physical abuse, while living in his family circle that continued the abuse. On July 2, 2015, Misty had enough of the abuse and had enough of her children living in fear. She did the most amazing thing she could ever do, SHE LEFT!! After several years of rebuilding her life, mentally and physically since her escape, she begun the help others who have been through domestic violent relationships. 2017 was a rebuilding year, and that was when Misty & Samantha had first starting talking about Pak'D Project. The initial idea began by helping several victims, now survivors over the past few years. We are excited to see our project come to life.
Samantha, mother of two girls & a hound dog, is a survivor of domestic violence. She had endured abuse at the hands of her oldest daughter's father which began with verbal attacks. This led to every form of abuse including that of financial, as well as physical abuse. While living with his family, several members directly related to him continued various forms of abuse. In 2010, she received information from a family pastor that put her in touch with a local domestic violence shelter. Through this shelter she gained knowledge, freedom and her independence back. This knowledge gave her the ability to build a life free of abuse for her and her children. It was the training she gained from her time in the shelter that she was able to put to use to help Misty through her abuse. One key factor that she stuck to was to never let Misty's abuser isolate her, or else she knew she would lose her best friend to her abuser. Since Misty's "Great Escape of 2015" Samantha and Misty have been blessed to use their stories to inspire others to leave their domestic violent relationships and build a life free from violence.